
Hi! I'm a product manager based in New York City with a background in machine learning, media, and marketplaces in environments ranging from startups to big companies to non-profits. I have an interest in building products at convergence of media, information, and data in a human-centric manner. I value data-driven decision making and strong user experiences with focuses on functionality and accessibility. Currently, I’m working on improving seller performance at Etsy!

Selected Projects


AiR is an app developed for the Tel Aviv Municipality that incentivizes users to adopt environmentally friendly habits for Israel's National Clean Up Day. For more information, read here and here.

My role: worked with cross-functional team to evaluate Tel Aviv Municipality's problem statement, led brainstorming sessions and product design workshops, and produced functional prototypes.

Tablet-based tool for home health aides

This tool was developed for home health aides working with Congestive Heart Failure patients. Home health aides interact with many stakeholders, such as nurses, doctors, and family members in order to care for the patient, but there aren't proper tools and communication methods to track each patient's status. Home care workers are often underpaid and overworked, and their pay is dependent on successful tracking and submission of patient care plan items along with good patient outcomes. I co-authored a paper on this tool titled Technology, Home Health Care, and Heart Failure: A Qualitative Analysis with Multiple Stakeholders that was accepted to ACM COMPASS in 2019.

My role: designed and conducted a participatory design study including interviewing over 50 home health aides and nurses and built functional prototypes from wireframes to application to allow chat functionality and task management.


Dispatch is an iOS app that connects motivated Twitter users with knowledgable allies to address problematic content on the platform anonymously. Many Twitter users recognize problematic content, but don't feel informed enough to confidently respond, while those with specialized knowledge lack the bandwith and visibility.

Users flag tweets, and vetted allies respond directly to the user with talking points, if appropriate. The talking points are categorized topically and stored in a open database to educate users.

My role: defined scope of product and iterated on product vision to produce MVP, developed surveys and conducted user testing, and did backend development with Django REST framework.


Rumorverse is a retro game designed for middle to early high school students to improve media literacy skills in classroom settings using D3, HTML, and CSS. The game tests students on tasks such as identifying misleading URLS, advertisments, sponsored content, conspiracy theories, and altered images. Once students successfully complete the game, they can submit content, encouraging them to apply media literacy and awareness in their daily lives.

My role: conducted research on media literacy in youth, developed game storyline and content, and integrated game content using JavaScript.

Down the Reddit Hole

Down the Reddit Hole is a project visualizing all the subreddit paths one can take starting from a particular subreddit using its linked and suggested subreddits. The project aims to explore how users can get stuck in rabbit holes, especially ones that promote hateful content. The visualization uses D3, PRAW, Reddit API, and Beautiful Soup. This research was the focus of my presentation at the 2019 Machines + Media Conference.

My role: I scraped Reddit iteratively using PRAW, Reddit API, and Beautiful Soup to assemble the datasets.

NYCT Smart Mirror

NYCT mirror is a motion activated smart-mirror that displays MTA delays and service changes in real-time from the NYCT Twitter account via Twitter API. The mirror uses Node/Express/React, JavaScript, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and a distance sensor.

My role: I designed and developed the interactive elements using JavaScript and Arduino, assembled system and Verplank diagrams to drive product development, and structured the tweet parsing using JavaScript and Twitter API.

Products Shipped

Oath: CMP Toolbox

Dispatch is an iOS app that connects motivated Twitter users with knowledgable allies to address problematic content on the platform anonymously. Many Twitter users recognize problematic content, but don't feel informed enough to confidently respond, while those with specialized knowledge lack the bandwith and visibility.

Users flag tweets, and vetted allies respond directly to the user with talking points, if appropriate. The talking points are categorized topically and stored in a open database to educate users.

My role: defined scope of product and iterated on product vision to produce MVP, developed surveys and conducted user testing, and did backend development with Django REST framework.
